Know that stuff that sits in the pit of your stomach that you keep thinking about doing but never quite get around to? The decisions that linger. Plans waiting for you to take a leap of faith and whole-heartedly embrace. Just let yourself go for it. You’ll be great.
In retrospect, the scenarios in which we have had bold ideas, but for one reason or another we haven’t managed to execute, ultimately lead us to later say, “Should have done this years ago”.
Whether it was a new venture, remote working, a hiring choice, or a move regarding potentially bigger and better office space, every time the outcome was good. We either made a leap in performance, or very quickly ruled out something that had been taking up brain space and was distracting focus. None of them proved to be a disaster. Every intuition we acted upon taught us invaluable things for the future and in some way moved us forwards.
After realising this,we wanted something to remind us every day. Inspiration came from Scottish artist Neil Slorance. This wee motivational Advice Turtle is a piece of his we love, and Neil kindly turned it into a huge poster for our wall.

“Hey, see that thing you’ve been thinking about? I think you should just do it. Just totally go for it. You’ll be great.”
We do our best to live our business values every day, and we check in with our colleagues weekly to make sure we have been. This, however, is something else. It is a reminder that you are in fact good at things and that you should do them.
So, see that thing you’ve been thinking about? Just totally go for it. You’ll be great.
Read next: Work life balance – a simple way to determine if you have it
Images and Advice Turtle phrases reproduced with kind permission from Neil Slorance.
You can find out more about Neil at his website